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Publications and Presentations

Listed below are the associated publications, posters, and details of scheduled conference presentations related to the Q4B concept inventories. To download any of these, please click on the appropriate links.

1: June 2017: Using Concept Assessments to Evaluate Student Learning Gains and Course Curriculum Revision. 6th International Assessment in Higher Education conference (AHE). Manchester, UK. Nomme, K., Kalas, P., Schimpf, N.

2: Spring 2016: Development of the Statistical Reasoning in Biology Concept Inventory (SRBCI), publication in CBE – Life Sciences Education. Full information: Deane, T.D., Nomme, K., Jeffrey, E., Pollock, C. and Birol, G. (2016). Development of the Statistical Reasoning in Biology Concept Inventory (SRBCI). CBE – Life Sciences Education 15: 1-13. DOI: 10.1187/cbe.15-06-0131.

3: May 2015: Assessment of inquiry-based learning in a first-year biology course. Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) Summer Institute, UBC, Jeffries, E., Birol, G., Couch, B., Nomme, K., Deane, T. Pollock, C.

4: September 2014: Development of the Biological Experimental Design Concept Inventory, publication in CBE – Life Sciences Education. Full information: Deane, T, Nomme, K, Jeffery, E, Pollock, C, Birol, G (2014). Development of the Biological Experimental Design Inventory. CBE – Life Sciences Education 13: 540-551.

View the Journal Publication here.

5: July 2014: Q4B Update, presented at the UBC Biology Teaching Program Retreat. Nomme, K.

6: July 2014: Fostering Research on Connected Learning:  Concept Inventories (CI) as Evaluation Tools, presented at IUT, UBC. Birol, G, O’Neill, A, Nomme, K, Pollock, C, Kalas, P, Chowrira, S.

7: June 2014: Biological Concept Inventories: Tools for Uncovering Misconceptions, presented at BCBio, Douglas College, New Westminster, B.C. Nomme, K, Bole, G, O’Neill, A, Kalas, P, Pollock, C.

8: January 2014: Concept inventories as tools for measuring learning gains and uncovering alternate conceptions: Discipline specific or universal to scientific thinking, presented at the Science Supper Presentation Series, Faculty of Science, UBC.

9: Winter 2013: Development of a Meiosis Concept Inventory, publication in CBE – Life Sciences Education journal. Full information: Kalas, P, O’Neill, A, Pollock, C, Birol, G. (2013). Development of a Meiosis Concept Inventory. CBE – Life Sciences Education 12: 655-664.

View the Journal Publication here.

10: July 2013:  Facilitated discussions on concept inventory use and development at the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

11: June 2013: A Speciation Concept Inventory Reveals Persistent Undergraduate Misconceptions in Speciation and Evolution. Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Evolution Annual Meeting, Snowird, Utah. Tseng, M, Bole, G, Jeffery, E.

12: Developing Concept Inventories for Biology (poster)

View the Poster here. 

13: August 2012: How to Develop and Use Concept Inventories in Biology, presented at the ‘Improving Student Learning Symposium’, Lund University, Sweden

14: April 2012: How to Develop and Use Concept Inventories in Biology, presented at the ‘North West Bio Conference’, Everett Community College, Washington State

15: January 2012: How to Develop and Use Concept Inventories, presented at the ‘Science Supper Series’, University of British Columbia, British Columbia

16: July 2011: How to Develop and Use Concept Inventories, presented at the ‘Western Conference on Science Education’, University of Western Ontario, Ontario

17: May 2011: Meiosis Project, presented at the ‘BC Bio Conference’, Quest University, British Columbia

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Questions For Biology
The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada

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