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Statistical Reasoning in Biology Concept Inventory (SRBCI) Package

Guide for Instructors/Users

Thank you for your interest in using the Statistical Reasoning in Biology Concept Inventory. For ease of use, we have put together the following package that comprises all the documents/PowerPoints you will need to run this inventory in your class/classes.

Please note that you should download the four separate files listed below the ‘Required Files’ heading; you will need these to deploy the Statistical Reasoning in Biology Concept Inventory in your class(es).

We have also included a fifth, sixth and seventh file (the Excel template file, the Excel template guide, and the Table of Misconceptions listed below the ‘Optional File’ heading); these latter files may prove useful in analyzing the resultant data and in interpreting the results by following classical test theory approaches (note that item response theory analyses may be more rigorous, but you may wish to follow classical test theory approaches to quickly analyze student data and gain a snapshot into your students’ conceptual thinking).

Required Files

1: Statistical Reasoning in Biology Concept Inventory PowerPoint Slides.

2: Statistical Reasoning in Biology Concept Inventory Background Information Handout (to be handed out to students as hard copies).

3: SRBCI Timing Guide for the SRBCI PowerPoint slides.

4: SRBCI Guidelines (we ask that you abide by these requests).

Optional Files

5: SRBCI-Excel-Template file to record and analyze data (using classical test theory approaches).

6: SRBCI-Data-Analysis-Guide to help you understand the SRBCI Excel Template file, and analyze the resultant data.

7: Statistical Reasoning in Biology Table of Misconceptions for student answers.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Questions For Biology
The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada

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